Join us this Spring with your troop, group, or Scout family!
All troops, groups, and Scout and Girl Scout families are invited to enjoy a program that explores the art, history, and fun of historic Körner’s Folly. Come and complete all tasks to earn the custom Körner’s Folly patch for your vest or sash. Play historic yard games, make hands-on arts-and-craft activities, complete a special Scouts-themed scavenger hunt through all 22 rooms of Körner’s Folly, and learn about historic scouting through the century!
Last house entry time is at 3:00 PM. Plan to come early or stay later after your tour. Activities can be done in any order! Families are welcome to bring lunch to eat picnic-style on our grounds or in the John and Bobbie Wolfe Visitor Center Community Room.
Any questions? Reach out to our Community Engagement Manager Brittany Hendley at